The site of the proposed Crescent Peak Wind project is part of one of the largest Joshua tree woodlands in the world.
The Department of Interior this month rejected a proposal by a Sweden-based company to build a massive wind project in southern Nevada, along the western border of the Mojave National Preserve and Castle Mountains National Monument. The Crescent Peak Wind project, had it been approved, would have resulted in the removal of swaths of Joshua tree woodland across nearly 50 square miles to make way for dozens of miles of access roads and turbine pads.
The Conservancy supports the deployment of renewable energy and investments in energy efficiency to cut emissions from fossil fuels. Renewable energy technology allows us to generate clean energy from our rooftops or on already-disturbed lands; we do not need to destroy our natural treasures.
The Crescent Peak Wind project would have also jeopardized golden eagles, bats and migratory birds, and disrupted a landscape considered sacred by the Colorado River Indian Tribes and Twentynine Palms Band of Mission Indians. It also would have been visible from much of the western portion of the Mojave National Preserve, where visitors seek a landscape dominated by nature, and not industrial structures.
This map shows the extent of the proposed Crescent Peak Wind project, spanning over 50 square miles of mostly pristine desert wildlands in southern Nevada.